Must Reveal

Popular Reveals this week...

Monday 20 April 2015

The Dangers of Plastic

Those plastic bottles...

Okay so you may think the water your drinking is good.. yes your right it is but the bottle it comes in is not!

:( The bad - Science says:

Table below runs through the scientific findings related to three different plastic substances. Although some are the more extreme effects of large consumption of plastic (masses which normal people will probably not consume to) its good to be aware of long term causes in order to minimise your contact with there plastics to absolute minimums.

:) Solutions:

  • Start using a glass or stainless steel water bottle 
  • Switch to reusable grocery bags 
  • Stop buying processed foods that are packaged in plastics
  • Replace plastic bags and plastic food storage containers with safer reusable options
  • Buy wooden or metal toys for children instead of plastic
  • Bring your own glass/metal bottle or thermos when buying drinks away from home.
  • Consider using cloth diapers instead of disposable
  • Use glass and metal dishes, silverware and bakeware in place of plastic.
  • Recycle whatever you can!
Remember, the bottle may look pretty, but that doesn't mean its good for you! 

Always drink water and keep hydrated. 

<3 Must Reveal 

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